
Things Not To Do

Saturday I flew home from a fantastically fun week in Montana, and while I looked forward to flying and my amazing window seat views it was one of the most miserable days ever.

The first stretch of the flight had me feeling queasy, but I was able to control it until we landed in Denver, where I immediately found the bathroom and puked...and puked, and puked. Then I found my gate, curled up in a chair with my backpack, and fell asleep for like an hour. I woke up just in time to board the 2 hour trip to LA, where I vomited in the convenient baggy tucked into the seat infront of me within 10 minutes of take-off. I debated about using it, but the guy next to me was asleep (already?!) and the lady next to him, who was lucky enough to be close to the bathroom I was eying, had her tray down and a book and bag of nuts already sitting on it. So I opted for the bag instead of uncomfortably squeezing my way to the aisle and possibly throwing up all over those unfortunate enough to be seated near me. The first load filled about 1/3 of the bag, so I pressed the button for a flight attendant's assistance hoping they could take it and give me a new one. 20 minutes after ignoring my light, they finally came along with their drink cart and I asked for a ginger ale, lifted up my pathetic bag as my face felt flush and sweaty and asked if I could get a new one, to which the lady turned her head and snapped that she couldn't take that right now. OK, so maybe it's because she's passing out drinks and she'll come back to have pity on me when she's done. About an hour later, my warm puke bag still sat on my lap and I filled about another 1/3 of it with the ginger ale I just drank. It was horrible. I had to walk out the plane with my full bag! That seems ridiculous!! I fell asleep again once I got to LA, and luckily the flight home was only 30 minutes so I was able to control myself again (though beads of sweat covered my face the whole time). After I got home I spent the rest of the evening sleeping and getting up to vomit violently.

At first I chalked it up to the dramamine I took failing, because I'm usually really sensitive to motion sickness. But as I thought more about it and my mom, in all her motherly concern, pryed more out me, I started to see how Friday may have been full of ways I was setting myself up for misery. So from this I've compiled a list of things never to do, follow along with me:

  • Smoke your first cigar within 24 hours of flying.
  • Pass up water at lunch and dinner for soda and alcohol.
  • Decide to pack your suitcase the night before you leave when you know you're going to be out that night.
  • Agree to go offroading after 10 pm when you have a flight at 7am.
  • Agree to go offroading without a helmet.
  • Agree to go offroading, ever.
  • Take a guy up on his offer to buy you and your friends a beer at 12am after he got you stuck in the mud for over an hour.
  • Drink a beer when you have to be up in 3 hours.
  • Get 2 hours of sleep before you have an 8 hour day of flying and airports ahead of you.
And finally,
  • Do all of the above on an empty stomach!
Learn from my mistakes, people, I'm here to help you as I wish I would have helped myself!
All in all, though, I have some fun memories and I hold no grudges. But that could have a lot to do with the two hits my head took to the roof of a truck...but whatever it takes I guess.


Jaren Rabe said...

You poor girl!
Plane rides are bad enough without feeling sick! Blech!
I also noticed on my last trip the apathy flight attendants had towards people. It's like they couldn't have cared any less about the people on the flight. Sad.

Beth said...

Oh man, I feel awful for you! I asked Amy if you had hit your head. That was the first thing I thought of, but who knows. You're right that it could be a combination. I sure hope you feel better and have gotten some rest!