
Hospital News & Drinking Solo

I'm already having trouble remembering to write '09 when I'm dating things, crazy how 365 days of doing something one way can stick with you...

This New Years turned out a little different than ones before. We had a little bit of a scare on new years eve when my sister had to take my nephew to the hospital for a fever he'd been running for a few days. I was with my mom when we found out, and both of our hearts sank. Just at the beginning of the week my 80-something-year-old grandpa overdosed on some of his alzheimer's medicine and was taken to the emergency room, so our emotions were a little on edge already. Fortunately, both my grandpa and my nephew were ultimately ok and sent home within a day or two. Not exactly the way you'd hope to bring in a brand new year (especially for my sister and brother -- sitting next to their son in a hospital bed). But it does make you realize once again how fragile and unpredictable life is. There's no guarantee that we or the ones we love will be here tomorrow...it's kind of a scary thought, but a strong reminder to live every moment to the fullest and stay close to the people that mean the most to you (and be sure they know how much they mean to you).

For New Years festivities a couple of people from work invited me to their parties, and I thoughtfully considered it before deciding I wanted to have a calm holiday. My thoughtful consideration took me back 4 years: First year I really tried the whole crowd-of-people-party-thing, I went to a club with my sister and her then boyfriend for some good ol' third-wheel fun. I soon realized parties were just an excuse for horny guys to drink and seek out single girls to creep out (weirdos in cowboy hats dancing to Daddy Yankee "Gasolina"...I cringe at the memory :). Other New Years around that time were mildly disappointing (me crushing or wanting to crush, dreaming of midnight kisses) or they were just plain boring.

So I resolved this time to not build up a night that is ultimately just a night, to not expect anything but to simply enjoy myself. This led me to make plans with my sister (and her now husband)-- we planned to watch movies, play games, and drink shots, oh yeah! When the news came in that they were at the hospital with my poor 19 month old nephew, the only thing I was concerned about was that he was ok. So I spent the night at home, praying, and watching movies and drinking from the comfort of my ridiculously comfortable bed. By the way, I tried my first Mojito and after one sip my ears and cheeks became warm and rosy (I think I might be a lightweight...). This was the first year I spent new years alone, and while years ago I would have been pissed that nothing special happened, I actually really enjoyed myself. I'm finding a place in life where I genuinely feel comfortable, and I realize I don't need to be in love or surrounded by a group of people to feel happy about myself. I think I'm pretty good company :)

Although, if God wants to give me someone wonderful to kiss next year, I won't be angry about it in the least.

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